Current Article

Date Title Facilitator
9/6/18  Dr. Gerardo Heiss & Carmen Cuthbertson
10/4/18 Rovner et al., Preventing Cognitive Decline in Black Individuals With Mild Cognitive Impairment A Randomized Clinical Trial Dr. Wayne Rosamond & Alvin Thomas
11/8/18 Nayor et al. Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in the Community: Impact of Diagnostic Criteria on the Burden, Correlates, and Prognosis Dr. Laura Loehr & Chani Hodonsky
12/8/18 Miller et al., Sex differences in risk factors for myocardial infarction: cohort study of UK Biobankparticipants.” Dr. Kari North & Eugenia Wong
1/17/19 Mohler ER, et al.The Effect of Testosterone on Cardiovascular Biomarkers in the Testosterone Trials. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103(2):681-688 Dr. Eric Whitsel & Jason Collins


4/4/19 McClellan, Mark, et al. “Call to action: urgent challenges in cardiovascular disease: a presidential advisory from the American Heart Association.” Circulation 139.9 (2019): e44-e54. Dr. Kelly Evenson & Anna Poon
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Previous Articles

Date Title Facilitator
5/4/18 Banegas, et al., Relationship between clinic and ambulatory blood pressure-measurements and mortality Dr. Anna Kucharska-Newton & Dr. Gerardo Heiss
4/13/18 Dehghen, et al., Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study

Miller, et al., Fruit, vegetable, and legume intake, and cardiovascular disease and deaths in 18 countries (PURE): a prospective cohort study

Jingkai Wei
3/9/18 Jaiswal, et al., Clonal hematopoiesis and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

Fuster & Walsh, Somatic mutations and clonal hematopoiesis: Unexpected potential new drivers of age-related cardiovascular disease

 Chani Hodonsky
2/16/18 Caleyachetty et al., Metabolically Healthy Obese and Incident Cardiovascular Disease Events Among 3.5 Million Men and Women Anna Poon
2/9/18 Bradshaw, et al., Cardiovascular disease mortality among breast cancer survivors Dominique Drager
8/1/17 Kypridemos et al., Cardiovascular screening to reduce the burden from cardiovascular disease: microsimulation study to quantify policy options

Woolf et al., Giving everyone the health of the educated: An examination of whether social change would save more lives than medical advances

Encarnacao et al., Obesity prevention strategies: Could food or soda taxes improve health?

Jingkai Wei
7/18/17 Razak et al., The idea of uniform change: is it time to revisit a central tenet of Rose’s “Strategy of Preventive Medicine”?

Benach et al., A new typology of policies to tackle health inequalities and scenarios of impact based on Rose’s population approach

Rahul Gondalia
7/11/17 Feeny, Comparing population health in the United States and Canada

Odutayo et al., Income Disparities in Absolute Cardiovascular Risk and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the United States

Kubota et al., Association of Educational Attainment With Lifetime Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Kapuaola Gellert & Victoria Buchanan
6/27/17 Roth GA et al.,  Trends and Patterns of geographic Variation in Mortality Among US Counties 1980-2014 Jingkai Wei & Dr. Gerardo Heiss
6/20/17 Krieger Who and What Is a “Population”? Historical Debates, Current Controversies, and Implications for Understanding “Population Health” and Rectifying Health Inequities

Kinding et al., What is population health?

Dr. Anna Kucharska-Newton
 4/21/17  Micha, et al, Association Between Dietary Factors and Mortality From Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes in the United States  Jingkai Wei
 2/10/17  NCD-RisC, Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19.1 million participants  Victoria Buchanan

Dwyer-Lindgren, et al, US County-Level Trends in Mortality Rates for Major Causes of Death, 1980-2014


Clark and Williams, Understanding County-Level, Cause-Specific Mortality: The Great Value – and Limitations – of Small Area Data

 Bailey DeBarmore

Huang, et al, Accounting for Life-Course Exposures in Epigenetic Biomarker Association Studies: Early Life Socioeconomic Position, Candidate Gene DNA Methylation, and Adult Cardiometabolic Risk


Cunliffe, The epigenetic impact of social stress: how does social adversity become biologically embedded?

 Chani Hodonsky

Bassett, et al, #BlackLivesMatter – A Challenge to the Medical and Public Health Communities Sick Populations and Sick Subpopulations: Reducing Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Between Blacks and Whites in the United States AND

Lu, et al, Sick Populations and Sick Subpopulations: Reducing Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Between Blacks and Whites in the United States

 Rahul Gondalia & Sydney Jones
 10/14/16  Pencina, et al, Application of New Cholesterol Guidelines to a Population-Based Sample  Joseph Engeda
 9/9/16  Ma, et al, Gradual reduction of sugar in soft drinks without substitution as a strategy to reduce overweight, obesity, and type 2 diabetes: a modelling study  Kapuaola Gellert
8/9/16 Mannsverk, et al, Trends in Modifiable Risk Factors Are Associated With Declining Incidence of Hospitalized and Nonhospitalized Acute Coronary Heart Disease in a Population


Luepker, et al, Falling Coronary Heart Disease Rates: A Better Explanation?

 Rahul Gondalia
7/28/16 Dhana, et al, Body shape index in comparison with other anthropometric measures in prediction of total and cause-specific mortality 


Reis, et al,  Association Between Duration of Overall and Abdominal Obesity Beginning in Young Adulthood and Coronary Artery Calcification in Middle Age

Joseph Engeda and Kamika Reynolds
7/12/16 Karter, et al, Ethnic differences in geriatric conditions and diabetes complications among older, insured adults with diabetes: The Diabetes & Aging Study


Mooney, et al, Epidemiology in the Era of Big Data

Antoine Baldassari
6/28/16 Gittelsohn, et al, Process Evaluation of Baltimore Healthy Stores: A Pilot Health Intervention Program With Supermarkets and Corner Stores in Baltimore City AND Lindholm, et al, What is the “golden standard” for assessing population-based interventions? — problems of dilution bias Chani Hodonsky
6/14/16 Sacco, et al, The Heart of 25 by 25 – Achieving the Goal of Reducing Global and Regional Premature Deaths From CVD and Stroke Anna Poon
5/31/16 Chetty, et al, The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States 2001 to 2014 Dr. Gerardo Heiss
4/8/16 Appiah, et al, “Is Surgical Menopause Associated With Future Levels of Cardiovascular Risk Factor Independent of Antecedent Levels? The CARDIA Study Whitney Robinson
3/9/16 Bongaarts, “Trends in Causes of Death in Low-Mortality Countries: Implications for Mortality Projections Katie Holliday
2/12/16 Gooding, et al, “Application of Pediatric and Adult Guidelines for Treatment of Lipid Levels Among US Adolescents Transitioning to Young Adulthood Ann von Holle
1/15/16 Fabsitz, et al, “Impact of National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-Supported Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research, 1998 to 2012


Khairy and Nattel, “Results-Based Accountability for Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Chani Hodonsky
12/11/15 SPRINT Investigators, “A Randomized Trial of Intensive vs. Standard Blood-Pressure Control


Perkovic and Rodgers, “Redefining Blood Pressure Targets — SPRINT Starts the Marathon

Sydney Jones & Ricky Camplain
11/13/15 Nandi, et al, “Using Marginal Structural Models to Estimate the Direct Effect of Adverse Childhood Social Conditions on Onset of Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Stroke. Anna Poon & Antoine Baldassari
10/10/15 Glymour, et al, “When is baseline adjustment useful in analyses of change? An example with education and cognitive change.


Chambless & Roeback, “Methods for Assessing Difference Between Groups in Change When Initial Measurement is Subject to Intra-Individual Variation.”

Kapuaola Gellert
9/11/15 Sink, et al, “Effect of a 24-Month Physical Activity Intervention vs Health Education on Cognitive Outcomes in Sedentary Older Adults The LIFE Randomized Trial. Priya Palta
8/26/15 Presentation: “Research at the Cambridge Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit.” Clare Oliver-Williams
7/21/15 ebreab, et al, The Impact of Lifecourse Socioeconomic Position on Cardiovascular Disease Events in African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study. Carmen Cuthbertson
7/7/15 Bustamante C, et al, Genomics for the World,


Carlson CC, et al, Generalization and Dilution of Association Results from European GWAS in Populations of Non-European Ancestry: The PAGE Study.

Ann Von Holle
6/23/15 GBD 2013 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators, Global, regional, and national age–sex specific all-cause and
cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990–2013:
a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease
Study 2013ANDKean, Cause of Death
Natalia Petruvski-Ivleva
6/9/15 Gottesman et al., Midlife Hypertension and 20-Year Cognitive Change: The ARIC Study Shelly-Ann Love
5/26/15 Feigin et al., New strategy to reduce the global burden of stroke Dr. Wayne Rosamond
5/12/15 O’Donnell et al., Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events Shakia Hardy
4/24/15 Clair et al., Association of Smoking Cessation and Weight Change With Cardiovascular Disease Among Adults With and Without Diabetes


Luo et al., Smoking Cessation, Weight Change, and Coronary Heart Disease Among Postmenopausal Women With and Without Diabetes

Anna Poon
4/10/15 Roger et al., Strategic Transformation of Population Studies: Recommendations of the Working Group on Epidemiology and Population Sciences From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council and Board of External Expert Katie Holliday
2/13/15 Riis et al., Short look-back periods in pharmacoepidemiologic studies of new users of antibiotics and asthma medications introduce severe misclassification Corey Kalbaugh, Kapuaola Gellert
1/23/15 Shireman et al., Antihypertensive medication exposure and cardiovascular outcomes in hemodialysis patients and Gagne et al., Comparative effectiveness of generic and brand-name statins on patient outcomes: a cohort study Magdalene Assimon
12/12/14 Krall et al., Examining the dynamic, bidirectional associations between cognitive and physical functioning in older adults Dr. Priya Palta
11/14/14 Sun et al., Gene-specific DNA methylation association with serum levels of C-reactive protein in African Americans Chani Hodonsky and Rahul Gondalia
10/23/14 Parsa et al., APOL1 Risk Variants, Race, and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease Dr. Nora Franceschini
9/12/14 Coady et al., Individual education, area income, and mortality and recurrence of myocardial infarction in a Medicare cohort: the National Longitudinal Mortality Study Dr. Anna Kucharska-Newton
7/29/14 Lhachimi et al., Modeling obesity outcomes: reducing obesity risk in adulthood may have greater impact than reducing obesity prevalence in childhood
Dr. Christy Avery
7/15/14 James et al., 2014 evidence-based guideline for the management of high blood pressure in adults
Dr. Gerardo Heiss
6/3/14 Dormuth et al., Statin adherence and risk of accidents: A cautionary tale
Magdalene Assimon
5/20/14 Garcia-Aymerich et al., Incidence of adult-onset asthma after hypothetical interventions on body mass index and physical activity: an application of the parametric g-formula Sydney Jones

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